zeus project page

Zeus Autoget - The GUI XChat script

Zeus is a XChat script (written in perl) that provides a GUI interface (through the use of Tk) for Autoget and Omenserve two mIRC scripts used for sharing files on the IRC. Zeus will oroginally make use of Asoka, an extension of "Apollo," for the file serving aspects of the script. This code will be completely rewritten by the time the script goes beta.

Zeus is released under GPL, the GNU General Public License, which means you're free to change and redistribute it as long as you keep the source available.

There is no warranty, neither expressed nor implied, that zeus.pl would do what it is said to do. It is up to you to use it.


I will be releasing a beta version soon. In the meantime, there is an alpha version here.


Some Ideas To Work On

Ideas, bugs or suggestions?

Mail me, Jon Feldhammer, or join the mailing list and talk to the crowd! ;-)

zeus project page

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